Summary Sunday: Issue 538
  • October 8th, 2023
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Conducting a successful job search campaign requires so much more than having a great resume. And often, we don’t know what we don’t know. Fill these voids with information.

Summary Sunday Issue 538

To speed up your job search, this week’s summary includes articles to help you understand:

  • What employers look for in online profiles
  • Why knowing what the going rate for your occupation matters
  • Are job seekers attempting to negotiate often enough
  • How recruiters get compensated
  • Whether WFH can make a better society
  • What stops us from behaving more kindly
  • Do you know what will make you happy at work

I curate articles shared by my colleagues from around the web. Follow the authors and sources to improve your career and job search knowledge.


Surprising Things Employers Look For In Your Online Profiles | Dice

Did you know “70 percent of employers use social media sites to research and screen potential job candidates?” (Data originally from CareerBuilder). Do you know what they are looking for when visiting your profile? Once you read this, you will want to change some things in your profile!


In the end, the market doesn’t lie | The Random Recruiter

See what’s holding back this tech job seeker who thinks they deserve the highest comp plan, full remote, and a big year-end bonus. Have you adjusted your expectations based on today’s job market?


54% of workers didn’t negotiate most recent job salary | HR Dive

In this overview of a recent Glassdoor survey, not only did they find that 54% of workers didn’t negotiate their recent salary, it also found that “[a]bout 46% of both men and women said they negotiated their most recent salary.” The fact that women said they negotiated at the same rate as men is exciting to hear!


How Recruiters Get Compensated | Sarah D. Johnston

There’s a lot of confusion about how recruiters work and how they are compensated! In this LinkedIn post by Sarah, you’ll finally get clarity about who recruiters work for and how they are paid.


Bosses won’t like it but WFH is a happier way to work | Financial Times

An honest look at what companies should be thinking about when demanding their employees return to the office. Maybe, just maybe, allowing people to work where they want and when they want will create a better society. Read why.


A Secret Source of Connection | Hidden Brain

This podcast with guest Amit Kumar looks at what stops us from being kind. The sketch note below summarizes this episode.

Sketch note by Joyce Chou

Have you defined what you want? | Maggie Mistal

This simple post says a lot! Have you defined what you want?

Define happiness by Maggie Mistal


30 Tips For Your First Day Of Work: Preparing For Success

10 Things Job Seekers Can Post About On LinkedIn

Your Personal Marketing Plan – How To Create and Use It

The post Summary Sunday: Issue 538 appeared first on Career Sherpa.