Summary Sunday: Issue #530
  • July 30th, 2023
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Where do you go for job search advice? It seems the internet is full of good and not-so-good information and many times you’ll find contradictory information… so who do you trust?

Summary Sunday Issue 530

Finding trustworthy advice and answers that address your unique situation is not easy. Summary Sunday is designed to dish up quality information to make it easier to find credible resources and quality job search advice.

Here’s what you’ll find in this week’s issue:

  • Interview questions for candidates
  • Tips to improve your resume
  • 3 Things job seekers need to do
  • Recruiters take on asking for compensation/salary info
  • Boomerang hiring
  • The fall of hot-desking
  • Work contributes to our well-being

Please, follow these accounts and publications to give you a competitive advantage during your job search!


12 essential questions YOU should ask during an interview | Jan Tegze

Some job seekers are afraid to ask some of these questions, but these are all excellent when asked of the right person! My favorite is the first one… why is this position available. The answer says a lot about the company!

7 Interview Questions That Will Reveal a Company’s Culture | BuiltIn

Career Coach Karen Eber identifies seven questions YOU can ask to uncover the truth about the culture of the organization and what the hiring manager is really like.


Easy Resume Improvement Strategy: Share the HOWs… | Adrienne Tom on LinkedIn

If you’re writing your own resume, then you need to make sure each bullet on your resume packs a punch. See how to “create results-rich content that answers HOW things were done and HOW well!”

The One-Page Resume Myth

One page isn’t better. It’s shorter. Imagine the info that may have been left out for the sake of fitting on one page. Never skimp on providing relevant, important (for the reader) info!

One page resume commandment


3 Things Most Job Seekers Aren’t Doing That They Should | Made To Hire

Simple, straightforward tips from Meryn Roberts-Huntley, serve as a reminder that there’s more to job search than applying to jobs online!

Agency Recruiter Wants to Know Your Current Compensation | Jon Rosser on Twitter

See the comments in this tweet when an executive recruiter says he wants to know candidates’ past salary/compensation. You’ll see many speak out against it, but you’ll also find some (recruiters) who agree. The reason this is important is because different recruiters have different perspectives.


Rehiring ‘boomerang’ employees? What to consider first | HR Executive

Data speaks… in a recent LinkedIn survey, in 2021, boomeranging accounted for 4.3% of all job switches; in 2010, it was less than 2%. Greg Barnett, chief people scientist at Top Workplaces explains why this is happening and why employers should support the idea of bringing back ex-employees.


Hot-Desking: Not So Hot with Employees | Korn Ferry

In an effort to bring people back to the office, yet minimize office space, sharing desks, known as hot-desking, has risen 20% since the pandemic. But it isn’t going well. Learn why.

Work Is a Contributor to Wellbeing | HR Bartender

Highlights from the recent survey from American Psychological Association (APA) shows that “work is a contributor to our overall wellbeing.” So if you are looking for a new job, you aren’t just evaluating the job but that the employer values your mental health. This will give you some things to evaluate.


Who Are The “Right” People To Network With
The truth is, you never know who can help you. And the only way you’ll find out is to meet new people!

people to contact during job search


I Hate My Job! Simple Tips For What To Do Next…

Using The Star Interview Method Effectively + Questions

Starting A New Job: 16 Tips For What You Should Do

The post Summary Sunday: Issue #530 appeared first on Career Sherpa.