Summary Sunday: Issue 359
  • October 15th, 2023
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There’s a pretty steep learning curve when you are new to looking for a new job. Get up to speed more quickly by diving into this week’s Summary Sunday.

Summary Sunday Issue 639

In this week’s Summary Sunday of curated articles you’ll find:

  • Overcome LinkedIn’s Unemployment Bias
  • Send better LinkedIn Messages
  • LinkedIn Features Just For Job Seekers
  • Why are there multiple job interviews
  • Hybrid workplace red flags
  • How to find keywords
  • How to use AI for job search (demos)
  • MBTI personality types and productivity tips
  • Employ/Jobvite 2023 Recruiter Nation Report

Follow these smart resources and talented authors!


LinkedIn has a built-in unemployment bias | Lisa Rangel

If you are not working, be very aware of what you list for your current work experience, because using a career break or not having a current job listed is hurting where your LinkedIn profile ranks. Lisa’s video spells this out and her article provides 3 fixes.

How To Send A LinkedIn Message And Get A Response | Loren Greiff

What if you could increase your cold connection acceptance rate by 65-70% by reverse engineering your LinkedIn profile? Would you? Listen to this podcast with Loren and Richard van der Blom and improve your success rate.

Power Up Your Job Search With These 7 Little-Known LinkedIn Features | My Career GPS

Over the past 6 months or so, LinkedIn has added features you may not be aware of as a new job seeker. Stand out by taking advantage of the free-to-all-users LinkedIn features!


Are Multiple Job Interview Rounds Really Necessary? | INSEAD Knowledge

A multi-step interview process isn’t necessarily bad. But employers can do better according to this article. “Internal alignment from all stakeholders needs to be established early, and should cover the evaluation criteria, delegation of roles and interview format.” This helps job seekers understand why the interview process is drawn out.


10 Red Flags of a Toxic Hybrid Workplace | FlexJobs

If you are interviewing, be on the lookout for these signs of a toxic hybrid workplace. Weigh these against the potential of the company and your own preferences. And by the way, a single red flag may not be reason enough to turn down the opportunity.

How to Find the Best Resume Keywords & Work With the ATS [+ Examples] | Teal HQ

Using the right keywords on your resume and in your LinkedIn profile should generate more looks and calls. But what are the right keywords? This article shows you how to find them and where to put them.


6 Career Strategists on AI to Accelerate Job Search Part 2 | Beyond B-School

Have you wondered exactly how to use AI for your job search? Wonder no longer. Jeremy Schifeling, Marie Zimenoff, Douglas G. Hanslip, Jenny Zenner and I share how to use some of the AI tools available to improve your job search.


Productivity tips for 16 personality types based on MBTI | Clockify

Productivity tips are as unique as you and your MBTI type. See insights and tips to help you make the most out of your style.


2023 Employ Recruiter Nation Report: Moving Forward in Uncertainty | Employ/Jobvite

This year’s report has information job seekers can use. For example, do you know the top social channels used in recruiting or the most valuable sources of hire? The research will help you conduct a better, more effective job search.


Answering “What Do You Hope To Gain From This Experience?”

10 LinkedIn Status Updates For Job Seekers

23 Tough Interview Questions & How To Answer Them

The post Summary Sunday: Issue 359 appeared first on Career Sherpa.