Summary Sunday: Issue #529
  • July 23rd, 2023
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As you’ve figured out by now, finding a new job will take longer than you want. But there are things you can do to help improve your odds.

Summary Sunday Issue 529

In this week’s summary, I’ve rounded up job search related articles on topics I think you’ll find relevant and useful. Here’s what you’ll find:

  • How long does it take to get hired
  • How to use ChatGPT for job search
  • Career and job matching tools (free)
  • Benefits of LinkedIn Premium
  • Be more successful on LinkedIn
  • A formula for having uncomfortable conversations
  • Signs and causes of burnout

Follow these talented experts and authors so you will have access to their content.


How long does it take to get hired in 2023? If you’re looking for a job, you may have to wait. | Business Insider

Companies track time-to-hire which is the number of days between a company first posting a position to an employee accepting the offer. As you can imagine, this number is affected by many factors. Consider it a benchmark. This year, the average time to hire is 44 days (one day longer than the average in 2022). Learn more about this number and the variation by industry and type of role.

Can ChatGPT Help Your Job Search? Here’s What Recruiters Say | Codecademy

GPT and other AI tools can make the writing and editing process easier and faster. Use it to help your job search, but read this and learn how to use these tools the right way!

Free Tools To Match Your Skills to Jobs | Career Toolbelt

One of the hardest parts of a job search is figuring out what you want to do next. There’s no magic wand, but these tools will help you identify options.


Do Executive Job Seekers Really Need LinkedIn Premium? | Executive Career Brand

LinkedIn Premium Career is currently $39.99 /month. Learn what you get with Premium and then test drive the free trial before you invest.

How to Become a LinkedIn Creator | Buffer

You’ve likely heard the term “Creator” used a lot. You don’t necessarily have to be a business owner to take advantage of these tips to enhance your voice and visibility on LinkedIn (or any social channel). This article helps you figure out what you need to do to be more successful on LinkedIn.


Try THIS the Next Time You Have an Uncomfortable Conversation | Simon Sinek

Whether with friends, family, or at work, we all dread that uncomfortable conversation. Use this 3-part formula to help you navigate what you’ll say.

Your Guide to Work Burnout: Signs, Causes, and Steps to Take | The Muse

The best way to prevent burnout is to know what causes it. It’s often said you shouldn’t run from a job but rather, run TO a job. In order to do this, you need to know what you need and want from a job.


Practice for your job interview

Practice interviewing using one of these:

🔹LinkedIn Interview Prep – 

🔹Yoodli – â€¦

🔹Riveter – 

🔹A trusted friend


LinkedIn Live with Jack Kelly: Hannah Morgan

Jack and I discuss when to use ChatGPT to help your job search…and other job search topics.


Use Video To Amplify Your Personal Brand

10 Types of People To Network With During Job Search

Best Job Search Tools for 2023 (As Recommended by Career Experts)

The post Summary Sunday: Issue #529 appeared first on Career Sherpa.