Summary Sunday: Issue 524
  • June 11th, 2023
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For those blindsided by a layoff or new to job search, you have some new skills to learn. Technically, we now are all faced with learning a new skill, AI.

Summary Sunday Issue 524

In this week’s summary, I share articles about:

  • The positive outcomes of networking
  • The reasons why you need a target list for your job search
  • 4 Skills you need to transition better
  • AI can lift the burdens of work
  • ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
  • 10 ChatGPT prompts for greater productivity

These carefully curated articles are written by talented authors! Follow them.


Unlocking the Power of Connections: Embracing a New Networking Mindset For Career Success | My Career GPS

Sure, we talk about networking to uncover job opportunities, but networking helps you learn and grow, collaborate, and do your job better says Shelley Piedmont. Instead of saying you hate networking, read this!


How to Build Your Executive Job Search Target Companies List | Executive Career Brand

If you fear targeting companies will limit your job search, you’ll want to read why your logic is faulty. Meg Guiseppi lays out why targeting companies is really the best way to uncover job opportunities.


Learn to Get Better at Transitions | Harvard Business Review

As we live longer and the world of work continues to be unpredictable, we need four skills to make transitions better according to Avivah Wittenberg-Cox. I particularly like the idea of thinking about your life in 7-year increments. All these four skills build on each other. You can share it with a new graduate or even someone on the cusp of retirement.

Artificial Intelligence

Will AI Fix Work? | Microsoft

“Employees are more eager for AI to lift the weight of work than they are afraid of job loss to AI. While 49% of people say they’re worried AI will replace their jobs, even more—70%—would delegate as much work as possible to AI to lessen their workloads.”

This is according to Microsoft’s recent survey of 31,000 international respondents. The report reveals these 3 findings:

  1. Digital debt is costing us innovation
  2. There’s a new AI-employee alliance
  3. Every employee needs AI aptitude

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet | Pete Huang

This is a post I shared by Richard van der Blom on LinkedIn. (And why following smart people on LinkedIn is a goldmine of great information.) Pete Huang’s newsletter, The Neuron, provides this cheat sheet upon signup. If you need AI aptitude, this newsletter is a great place to start.

Use these 10 advanced ChatGPT prompts to save hours a day | Rowan Cheung

This is a powerful post on Twitter listing 10 different ways to use AI to improve your productivity – from simplifying complex information to editing your work. PS: Cheung also has a great newsletter, The Rundown.


Instead of reaching out cold or DMing someone, try commenting on their posts on social media first. That way, they will recognize your name and are more likely to respond!

Ideas to help you write engaging comments


30+ Unique Interview Questions To Ask Employers In 2023

“When Can You Start Working?” 7 Tips For How To Answer

“What Obstacles Have You Overcome?” Tips & Examples

The post Summary Sunday: Issue 524 appeared first on Career Sherpa.