Summary Sunday: Issue 544
  • November 19th, 2023
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Sifting through the noise and focusing on important job search topics is what Summary Sunday aims to do.

Each week I curate articles on important job search and career-related topics to provide you with insights and information that will help you navigate your job search smarter!

Summary Sunday Issue 544

In this week’s issue, you’ll find articles on:

  • LinkedIn’s #OpenToWork banner
  • New LinkedIn feature for job seekers
  • Questions to help you develop your career story
  • Do recruiters modify your resume? Find out what to do
  • Close your job interview strong
  • Prepare for your performance review
  • Why job hopping isn’t bad
  • Age bias is alive and well

Do you want to get this in your inbox on Sundays? Subscribe now!

LinkedIn’s “Open To Work” Banner

As a recruiter, when I see a candidate with an ‘Open to Work’ badge I think… | Hung Lee

Here’s the answer. Over 2,000 respondents and 70% say the “open to work” banner is a positive! Be sure to read the comments!

Open To Work poll 2023 by Hung Lee

How To Use LinkedIn’s #OpenToWork Feature | Tealhq

Now that you are ready to turn this feature on, learn how to do it! You can choose the public option (great if you are unemployed) or the private option that only recruiters with the LinkedIn recruiting tools can see (better for those who are employed and looking). Plus, see what other information you should provide.


A New Set Of Filters For Job Seekers | Kevin D Turner

Now you filter companies that are hiring and who you know who works there. This is a huge time saver and there’s a video that shows you how it works!


7 Questions I Ask My Clients That Get Them Really Thinking About Their Career Story | Virginia Franco

Answer these questions to help you write and tell your career story with clarity and conviction! Taking this step helps set you apart and highlight your unique value!

Hand Off or Hands Off My Resume! | MyPro Resumes & Recruiting

Just one more thing you need to monitor and be aware of. It is possible that recruitment agencies might alter your resume before handing it off to a hiring manager. Here’s what you need to know with expert insights from job search advocates!


How to Close Your Job Interview | Thea Kelley

Are you consistently ending your interviews in the best possible way? There are three crucial objectives you want to meet. Use these tips to end the interview on a high note!


How to Prepare for Performance Reviews | Briefcase Coach

Are you spending enough time preparing for your end-of-year performance review? Probably not! So follow these steps to gain the self-awareness and career growth you need and want.


Job Hopping: Navigating Toxic Workplaces | Three Ears Media

Let’s not be so quick to judge what we may view as “job hopping.” The logic here is sound and backed by data. As Kibben writes “Believing there is more to life than the â€œwork you do” or the “money you make” has allowed Millenials and other generations to let go of the fear of being judged for resigning.” 

The MidCareer Opportunity | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Older workers make great employees but companies prefer to hire less experienced workers. This report reveals that employers overwhelmingly favor applicants ages 30-44, and are likely to offer a job interview to someone with 5 years of experience as they are to a similar candidate with 25 years of experience. Yes, age bias is alive and well. But there are some takeaways for mid-older job seekers:

  • Invest in skill development and training
  • Focus on fit over experience
  • Target companies that have hired older workers
  • Apply to more jobs
  • Use social media more for job search (and get job search training/hire a career coach)


Start investing in yourself today! And if I were to add one more item to this list it would be to seek out training for skills you need to enhance!

Actions to elevate your career


32 Good Informational Interview Questions To Ask

How To Get Referred For A Job

5 Ways to Improve Your Online Visibility

Be sure to follow the experts mentioned in Summary Sunday! You’ll be glad you did!

The post Summary Sunday: Issue 544 appeared first on Career Sherpa.