Summary Sunday: Issue 541
  • October 29th, 2023
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There’s a lot of great job search tips and advice out there! There’s also a lot of not-so-good advice. At the end of the day, it’s better to take action than do nothing. Start today!

Summary Sunday Issue 541

This week’s summary features good information from sources I trust and value (and I think you should too).

  • Ghosted? What do do about it
  • Most favor “Open To Work” banner
  • Job search strategies
  • Best free email providers
  • Make every conversation count
  • Leaders are chosen because they talk more
  • Mega Career Trends for 2024

Be sure to follow these people on social and other outlets!


Got Ghosted? Let’s figure out what to do about it | The Random Recruiter

Ghosting happens. It isn’t right or fair. But the bottom line is that you have two options: complain about it, or do something about it. That’s what this addresses. Take action using the three steps outlined.

Is using the green, “Open to Work” banner on LinkedIn a good idea when looking for a job? | Adam Broda

This is always a question that gets mixed responses. While the poll results indicate “YES” it’s also interesting to read the comments to understand the logic people share for using or not using the #opentowork banner.

Open To Work poll by Adam Broda

This is NOT an Episode About Resumes: A Conversation with Hannah Morgan | Kadima Careers

Alan Stein hosts this podcast and we discuss many different aspects of the job search that people misunderstand. There are different approaches to LinkedIn profiles as Alan and I discuss. Listen in!


These Are the Best Free Email Accounts | LifeHacker

One thing you can do to keep your job search organized and keep spam out of your regular inbox is to create a separate email just for your job search. Use one of these email providers and select an email address that is professional and clearly belongs to you. Using your first and last name is usually the best option – if you can get it. Do NOT use numbers or dates in your email address such as [email protected]


Make Every Conversation Count | Mike Tomesello

There’s no such thing as a “sure thing” that’s why you want to make the most of every conversation you have, no matter who initiates the call.

Recruiter calls are still important M Tomasello


Babble hypothesis shows key factor to becoming a leader | BigThink

Research shows that those who spend more time speaking tend to emerge as the leaders of groups, regardless of their intelligence.


Announcing the 5 Megatrends Impacting Careers for 2024 | Career Thought Leaders

Career Thought Leaders is one of the go-to sources for great information on what’s happening in the world of job search and careers for those that provide career and job search services! Each year, Marie Zimenoff and her team poll their community for a list of trends. This reveals the 2024 trends that career professionals will want to help their clients navigate. Definitely follow this account on LinkedIn.


Who To Contact First When Starting A Job Search

Create a list of these people and begin reaching out to them first. In your outreach, start by asking how they are doing. Then, they’ll ask what’s new with you. Explain exactly what type of job you are pursuing and what companies you are interested in.

people to contact during job search


33 Questions To Ask Before Accepting A Job Offer

How To Tell A Company You Have Another Offer

3 Options To Update Your LinkedIn Job Title and Employer When Unemployed

The post Summary Sunday: Issue 541 appeared first on Career Sherpa.