A job search is filled with unknowns, assumptions, and first-times. But what you should know is that you aren’t the only one to experience these situations and there’s almost always a work-around or solution.
Working with other job seekers, sharing experiences and learning from each other is one way to bridge the gap in what you know about job search. Another way is to follow and read articles by career coaches who have heard about these not-so-uncommon job search scenarios before.
See this week’s top job search articles, including:
- How agency recruiters work
- A list of job search actions to move you forward
- Evaluate company culture with these questions
- How to recover from a bad interview
- Quitting isn’t failing.
- New career frameworks
How Job Seekers Can Successfully Work with Agency Recruiters | My Career GPS
If you think you need a recruiter to find you a job, think again. That’s not how agency recruiters/headhunters work. Read this to learn about agency recruiters, how they do business, where to find them and more!
Job searching is frustrating | LinkedIn Post by Jessica Hernandez
Shift your thinking and activities from reactive to proactive! Gain control of your job search by using some of these actions!
10 questions to ask in a job interview that will really expose a companyâs culture | Fast Company
When it comes to interviewing for a job, assessing the company culture is as important as learning about the job. But asking “What’s the culture like here” is not going to give you the best results. Try some of these questions instead.
What to Do When You Botch an Interview (and Really Want the Job) | JobJenny
Sometimes job interviews don’t go as well as we want. Do you just accept it or are there actions you can take? Read this and see what options you have.
Quitting Is Not a Sign of Failure | HR Bartender
“Sometimes quitting is the absolutely right thing to do,” writes Sharlyn Lauby. If you find yourself in a less-than-tolerable job, read this and see if it’s time to put an exit plan in place.
A modern day career framework | Mercer
This report by Mercer looks at ways companies are (and will be) defining jobs differently.
“The flexible nature of modern career frameworks enables organizations to respond with agility to changes and challenges in the marketplace.” See what this might mean for you as you look for a new job.
Setting SMART goals is one of the most important things you can do for your job search. Are you setting smart goals?
Tell Me About A Time You Dealt With A Difficult Customer
13 Common Adaptability Interview Questions (With Answers)
Why Are You Applying For This Position? (Example Answers)
The post Summary Sunday: Issue 521 appeared first on Career Sherpa.