• April 23rd, 2023
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Uncovering a new job often requires some form of networking. Love it or hate it, having conversations with people you know and people you don’t know (yet), is going to help your job search efforts in many ways.

Summary Sunday Issue 518

For as long as I can remember, people (specifically job seekers) have had a love-hate relationship with networking.

Most of us do it without knowing. What have you done when you needed a recommendation for one of these?

  • You need someone to install a new bathroom?
  • You want to a good restaurant for an upcoming birthday?
  • You are in the market for a new-to-you car?

Chances are, you’ve searched online reviews and/or asked people you know.

This is one form of networking.

Networking is having mutually beneficial conversations. Period.

Networking, or whatever you want to call it, is one of many job search strategies you should be using to uncover job opportunities, fill a void in what you know about companies and roles, and meet new people you don’t already know.

In this week’s summary, you’ll find articles and posts that will shed light on many of the questions job seekers have.

  • Announcing your job search on LinkedIn
  • Should you use #OpenToWork
  • Alleviate job search stress
  • LinkedIn Premium. Is it worth it?
  • Networking for Introverts
  • Small talk refreshers
  • Coffee chat 1uestions
  • AI prompts
  • Lessons in starting your own career practice

If you like any of these posts, please share or follow the author/publication!


How To Announce You are #OpenToWork on LinkedIn | David Fano – Teal

If you haven’t already announced you’re looking for a new job on LinkedIn, maybe you should. Follow each of the steps outlined in this post. (And only consider this if you want your employer and co-workers to know you are searching for a new job.)

Should you post that you’re #OpenToWork? A tale of two labor markets | Interviewing.io

This is a common question many job seekers have asked. And this answer has some interesting data. The bottom line is, it depends. But after the rise in recent layoffs, the odds may be in your favor.

10 Ways To Reduce Job Search Anxiety | Caroline Castrillon, Forbes

Read this early in your job search and read it again after you’ve been searching for over a month. These reminders are so valuable!


LinkedIn Premium Is Worth It. Here’s Why | Neal Schaffer

If you have wondered if LinkedIn Premium is worth the money, here is some information for you to consider. Learn about the functions you get with Premium, and then test it for 30 days (at no cost). That way you can make an informed decision.


The Introverted Networker | Greg Roche

Each of Greg’s weekly newsletters addresses a different aspect of networking. Rather than feature a specific issue, let me encourage you to read the ones that resonate with you. PS: Greg posts regularly on LinkedIn too! Follow him for networking insights.

What is your go-to question or statement to start a conversation with someone you don’t know at an in-person event? | @CareerSherpa

I am not only an introvert, but also rusty at making small talk so I asked this question on Twitter and got some great responses.

From “Where are you from and what brought you here today?” to “Hi! I don’t know about you but I think I’ve forgotten how to start conversations at these kind of things.”

The magic happens when you get someone to tell a story or talk about something THEY are interested in.

For a list of over 50 conversation starters and closings check this out.

Coffee Chat Challenge | Teegan A. Bartos

Another form of networking is an informational interview, aka Coffee Chat or informational meeting. This LinkedIn post has a list of questions (and instructions) on questions to ask during a coffee chat.


How to Write AI Prompts: A Guide for Marketers [INFOGRAPHIC] | Tailwind

I know, you are not all marketers, but this outlines how to write a good question (prompt) to get better results. Think about using AI to help you brainstorm questions to ask at an upcoming coffee chat!


How Our Career Practices Evolved Over Time | Peak Careers

Have you thought about going out on your own or starting a private practice? Here’s a conversation with 4 career professionals who have been in business for a while and the lessons they have learned. Thanks to Jim Peacock for gathering Mark Danaher, Virginia Franco, and me for this conversation.


LinkedIn InMail is NOT a magic elixir. In fact, many LinkedIn users never check InMail. But you know what everyone checks, every single day? Email! Here are some clever workarounds for InMail.

LinkedIn InMail alternatives


32 Good Informational Interview Questions To Ask

10 Types of People To Network With During Job Search

Networking is a Waste of Time- Or Is It?

The post Summary Sunday: Issue #518 appeared first on Career Sherpa.